Visit to Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Our faculty are actively pursuing new partnerships and learning opportunities to augment the Global Education Course, especially toward unique study abroad models that could buffer student exposure to contexts in multicultural education.

From November 23-25th, 2019, Drs. Walter and Delakorda Kawashima were invited to the Transylvanian international conference in public education at Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. While there, they discussed the possibility of an exchange and internship program between BBU and HU School of Education. 

Special visits were made by Drs. Walter and Delakorda Kawashima to the Faculty of Political, Administrative, and Communication Sciences at BBU, as well as cultural sites in the city center, the Piarists’ Church, Cluj Central Park, and a tour of the student housing and study facilities.

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